Now to chose a favorite, I'm not one of those folks who chooses the most powerful legendaries, or the Pokemon that can have the right move set to wipe out everything in battle. I choose based off of who I liked using in the games, who I liked in the show, or who is just plain awesome or adorable.

He doesn't even know how to swim... adorable!

Probably an octopus stuck in a turtle shell. He has wicked-crazy defenses and makes juice out of berries that he stores by squishing them in his shell with his noodley appendages. He's kind of annoying to use in the games because you really need to be dedicated to raise him enough to be useful (and by useful, i mean your enemies just quit battling against you because he takes so freaking long to kill). However, the more you look at it, the more you just want to love it.
This short clip of the episode cuts off right before death by Shuckle
I love the idea of modeling a Pokemon after the Archaeopteryx. Fossil Pokemon are always awesome in my book and this one is especially so. It's ridiculously strong and probably my favorite Pokemon from the recently released 5th generation.
The mascot of Pokemon! Probably the only Pokemon that even the Amish could recognize. Pikachu is tough, powerful, fast, intelligent, and very adorable. You just have to love it. Originally, the creators of Pokemon intended the mascot of Pokemon to be Jigglypuff. Now I do like Jigglypuff but nobody would have taken Pokemon seriously had they made the mascot of Pokemon the girly version of Kirby. Whoever decided to replace Jigglypuff with Pikachu saved Pokemon.
Pikachu imitating Wobbuffet =D
Wobbuffet was probably the best cast member of the show. He basically ends up in Team Rocket by accident and shows up at every possible awkward moment to remind you how awesome he is. He has a complete love for Jessie despite the fact that she constantly bashes him in the head for coming out of his pokeball. He also can't actually do any attacks but he can turn the opponents attacks back against them.
This kind of thing happens every episode for about 500 episodes
Wooper. What's not to love? The only unfortunate thing about Wooper is that they eventually turn into Quagsire.
Lay all your love on them.
Skarmory the steel bird. I've used Skarmory in quite a number of my games since he first appeared in the 2nd generation. He's fairly powerful but I mostly owned him because I thought he looked cool. I also needed a Pokemon that could learn fly and when your other options are Pidgey and Hoothoot, there's obviously a clear winner here.
Hmmm... I commend your creativity but don't wear this in public
Well, I don't expect many people to recognize this Pokemon. It didn't come out until the 4th generation and even then, it was the evolution of Misdreavus, a relatively unknown 2nd generation Pokemon. Despite it not being popular, I used one in my Pearl version and it was one of my best Pokemon. It learned a variety of moves that made it very useful in battle. I will agree that it is kind of stupid looking though. Like if a jellyfish and a sombrero had a baby.
Soft and cuddly murderface
The Pokedex calls it the "Disaster Pokemon". I already like the sound of that. He's the only 3rd generation I'm including on this list because the rest of the 3rd generation was terrible. I've used him in almost every team I've had in my latest play throughs of the game. I could get really in depth on how great he is in battle with his move sets, high attack, and critical hit ratios, but it gets too complicated and I don't think many people actually care. He may be my all time favorite Pokemon being both a great battler and cool looking. If you've never used one, I definitely recommend having one on your team. He learns a lot of different moves so you can customize him rather well.
Mountains are no big deal
That wooper vid makes me smile every time.